
As a Cub Scout, you will be part of your own pack. The Pack is divided into smaller groups called Dens. Each Den has about six to eight boys. All of the Cub Scouts in your Den are in the same grade. Parents are part of the Pack and can have fun too!

Kindergartners work toward the Lion rank. The Lion rank is earned by the following:
1. Complete the six required adventures:
- Bobcat
- Mountain Lion
- Fun on the Run
- King of the Jungle
- Lion Roar
- Lion’s Pride
2. Complete two elective adventures
First Grade

First graders work toward the Tiger rank. The Tiger rank is earned by the following:
1. Complete the six required adventures:
- Bobcat
- Tigers in the Wild
- Tiger Bites
- Team Tiger
- Tiger Roar
- Tiger Circles
2. Complete two elective adventures
Second Grade

Second graders work toward the Wolf rank. The Wolf rank is earned by the following:
1. Complete the six required adventures:
- Bobcat
- Paws on the Path
- Running With the Pack
- Council Fire
- Safety in Numbers
- Footsteps
2. Complete two elective adventures
Third Grade

Third graders work toward the Bear rank. The Bear rank is earned by completing the following four requirements:
1. Complete the six required adventures:
- Bobcat
- Bear Habitat
- Bear Strong
- Paws for Action
- Standing Tall
- Fellowship
2. Complete two elective adventures
Fourth Grade

Fourth graders work toward the Webelos rank. The Webelos rank is earned by the following:
1. Complete the six required adventures:
- Bobcat
- Webelos Walkabout
- Stronger, Faster, Higher
- My Community
- My Safety
- My Family
2. Complete two elective adventures
*NOTE* Scouts who are in Cub Scouts in fourth grade must complete the Webelos rank before working towards the Arrow of Light.
Fifth Grade

Fifth graders work toward the Arrow of Light rank (if a fourth-grade Cub Scout has completed the Webelos rank, they may begin work on the Arrow of Light). The Arrow of Light rank is earned by the following:
1. Complete the six required adventures:
- Bobcat
- Outdoor Adventurer
- Personal Fitness
- Citizenship
- First Aid
- Duty to God
2. Complete two elective adventures