What To Expect

Welcome to Pack 247

The information below will help you jump right in and feel prepared for Pack Meetings, Den Meetings, campouts, and all our events.

Let us know if you have any questions or need any additional information.



The Den Meeting is the most important part of Cub Scouting.  It is where Cub Scouts build friendships, work together to learn new things, progress towards earning their common badge of rank and have fun!  While parental attendance is not required at Den Meetings (except for Lions and Tigers), it is certainly encouraged.  Some Dens will require parent participation at specific meetings.  Please keep in touch with your scout’s Den Leader so that you will know what activities are taking place and can track the progress your child is making.

Our Den meetings are held twice per month:

Date: 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month

Time: 6:00 PM

Location: Cross of Christ

(Gavilan Peak Pkwy & W. Daisy Mt. Rd.)


The Pack Meeting brings all of the Dens in the Pack together once a month and all our Cub Scout families are encouraged to attend.  Dens show off the projects they have been working on, lead songs, perform skits, and awards are presented to the Scouts. It is a time for the family to get information on upcoming activities and share in the Scouting spirit. Be sure to attend and join in the excitement while watching your son advance! We encourage scouts to wear their uniform.

Our Pack Meetings are held once per month: 

Date: Last Tuesday of the month

Time: 6:00 PM

Location: Cross of Christ

(Gavilan Peak Pkwy & W. Daisy Mt. Rd.)



We generally have two Pack family campouts per year (spring and fall). Campouts are a great way to get to know your fellow Pack members and have a good time.  All Cub Scout camping locations will have restrooms with running water.  Each Scout/Family must provide their own camping gear but the Pack will provide the main meals.  Scouts must have an adult family member with them at all times when camping.  


The Pinewood Derby is one of the most popular activities of the year.  Pinewood derby cars are small wooden models that Cub Scouts make with help from their families.  The cars are raced in a competition that includes prizes for speed and design.  The cars are powered by gravity and run down a track.  The Pack provides the kits along with rules and instruction for design and competition.  The race is scheduled during one of the Pack Meetings, typically in January.


Our largest fundraiser of the year is our holiday wreath fundraiser.  We keep registration costs for our families as low as possible and rely on this fundraiser to raise money for t-shirts, activities, patches, advancements, and campouts for the year.  We generally start the wreath sales in September and have the items ready to be delivered by the Scouts, in uniform, during Thanksgiving week.


Each year, Cub Scouts celebrate the anniversary of the founding of the BSA, on February 8, 1910, by having a Blue and Gold Banquet.  It is usually held during the February Pack Meeting.


For the 2nd year Arrow of Light WEBELOS, the final night of being a Cub Scout is at the Arrow of Light Crossover.  At that time, the Cub Scouts will be invited by the Scoutmaster to join the BSA Troop in a “crossing-over” ceremony.  The entire family is encouraged to attend. Scouts MUST wear their full uniform. 


At our May Pack Meeting, all Cub Scouts will attend a graduation ceremony to mark the completion of their experience in that year’s grade and graduate into the next rank.


On the advancement trail, a Cub Scout progresses towards a badge of rank based on their grade. They need not have earned the previous rank in order to earn the next.  To earn each badge of rank a Cub Scout earns the six required Adventures and at least two elective Adventures.  Required Adventures are based on the aims and areas of importance in Scouting. Each badge of rank is age-appropriate, so earning a rank below a Cub Scout’s current grade is not permitted. 


Cub Scout uniforms serve a dual purpose: demonstrating that a Scout is part of a team and showing individual achievement – Scouts proudly wear the badges they’ve earned.

Scouting has 2 uniforms commonly referred to as:

  • Class A – dress uniform that can be purchased from scoutshop.org or local your Scout Store (as of Oct 2022 the Mesa shop is closed, a new one Scout Store should be opening soon)
  • Class B – a casual Pack T-Shirt that is included as part of the Pack dues



  • $135 Membership Fees to National BSA and Grand Canyon Council BSA
  • $175 Pack 247 Dues ($100 if join after January 1st)
  • $15 Scout Life Subscription (optional)


Each rank has a specific uniform for their program.

Click here for more information on uniform requirements


Each grade level has a specific handbook they use. Handbooks are about $24 and are used for the year. Handbooks have all the required and elective adventures for each rank. Handbooks also serve as a Scout’s record of completing adventures.

Order from scoutshop.org


Additional Pack or Den activities such as campouts or field trips may have additional costs associated with them.  Details and cost information will be provided when the activity is announced at the Pack or Den Meetings.

It is our goal that nobody is left out due to financial circumstances.

If annual dues place an excessive burden on your family’s finances (especially if you have more than one child in Scouts), please contact the Pack Treasurer and complete the financial aid form.