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Troop 247

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Troop 247


Don Beeman

About Us

Life for the Boy Scout revolves around camping, merit badges, and community service. We believe outdoor activities, such as camping, water sports, and hiking, develop the character traits — leadership, courage and self-reliance — we wish to nurture. We believe that outdoor activity helps develop character, citizenship, and personal fitness.

Merit badges are an integral part of the Boy Scout organization. There are over 100 merit badges that a Boy Scout can earn, and range from communications to camping to first aid. A Boy Scout may earn whatever merit badges he wishes; there’s no requirement to attain certain levels or rankings in order to receive a merit badge.

Troop Meetings

Date: Tuesdays (except last Tue)

Time: 7:00 PM

Location: Cross of Christ

(Gavilan Peak Pkwy & W. Daisy Mt. Rd.)

Patrol Leader’s Council (PLC) Meetings

Date: Last Tuesday of the month

Time: 7:00 PM

Location: Cross of Christ

(Gavilan Peak Pkwy & W. Daisy Mt. Rd.)


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